By Louis D. Thorpe

Truth about lies

I am a historian who is well versed in the rule of law and fully aware of every aspect of the past three impeachments. Consequently, what I have to say will sound foreign to many people, but everything is easy to factually confirm through a deeper understanding of history. If you have any questions, I am more than happy to respond, to give you a greater awareness regarding what I speak to.

First and foremost, the impeachment of Richard Nixon is thought to be a great success because it proved the system worked. In fact, it was a successful cover up which set the ground work for where we are today. In particular, Nixon agreed to resign, not because he was better than Trump is, as it is generally assumed, but because he had successfully concealed more crimes than were exposed and he could not afford to rock the boat.

The Watergate scandal forced Nixon to resign and most Americans thought they had heard the last of Nixon, but that was only because he prudently kept a low profile while he continued to carry a big stick. As Nixon biographer Sam Anson uncovered, Nixon had an almost uninterrupted capacity to influence White House decision making, despite the impeachment. Code-named the Wizard, Richard Nixon had direct access to the Ford White House through an elaborate secret communication set up. Nixon's almost unbroken link to the White House was briefly interrupted by the Carter administration and turbo-charged in 1980.

When Reagan was the elected, Nixon's White House in exile was omnipotent. Reagan was a hands-off President who gave Nixon and CIA Director, Bill Casey the opportunity to direct American foreign policy. Historian, Sam Anson described the degree of influence Nixon exercised when he said:

"Nixon gets into his office every morning about 7:30. By noon he Will have made and taken 40 calls, most of them to Washington. First he calls the White House and talks to (presidential counsellor) Ed Meese, (national security adviser) Bud McEarlane, and President Reagan. Then he starts working the State Department. Everyone from (Secretary of State) George Schultz on down. He not only gives advice on foreign policy, but on politics in general. What he says is taken very seriously."

The tone of the Reagan era was set during the election campaign, when Ronald Reagan offered Casey the opportunity to be his campaign manager. Reagan was in awe of the intelligence spook who organized intelligence missions behind enemy lines for Eisenhower during World War II and as soon as he joined the campaign, Reagan said: "You're the expert Bill. Just point me in the right direction and I'll go". Nixon, who was Casey's ideological twin, became the senior partner of the foreign policy that was shaped in the 1980's. Ronald Reagan was merely a trusting subject who enthusiastically embraced the path they paved.

Absolute loyalty defined the relationship between Casey and Nixon since 1970. When anti-war demonstrators disturbed President Nixon, Bill Casey let it be known that anyone who opposed the war was misinformed and irresponsible, an understanding that had profound implications in the 1980's, when Death Squad Justice in Central America, was the preferred method of stifling dissent.

Casey had even supported Nixon through the Watergate crisis, writing as follows; "All of your friends, all of us who view you as a national asset with a historic mission, and the general public, want to pull all the political shenanigans behind us and get on with the vital things to be done."

The dirty tricks routinely deployed by the like-minded fanatics who got Ronald Reagan elected, were initially betrayed in the book, October Surprise. The scheme to delay the release of American hostages held in Tehran until after the election, to sabotage Jimmy Carter's prospect of winning by portraying him to be a weak president, was evidently the tip of the iceberg. Vigorously denied, the allegation is evidently true, as suggested by an obscure New York Times story which exposed the fact that Reagan's campaign manager, who was presumably supposed to be planning Reagan's election strategy in America, was actually abroad. A brief item in the New York Times dated July, 30 1980, expsed the absence of Reagan's campaign manager in the following terms; "William Casey plans to open negotiations with the Right to Life group when he returns from a trip abroad."

The Casey/Nixon agenda defined the Reagan years, and the so-called Reagan Revolution was in fact a re-visitation of the lawless Nixon years. Accomplished in the art of plotting clandestine schemes, Nixon and Casey ushered in an unprecedented reign of terror with a vengeance. Carter had interrupted the unfinished agenda of the Nixon White House and the first order of producing the dissent-free environment they demanded was the prompt "liquidation" of priority target, John Lennon.

On December 2, 1980, Richard Nixon betrayed the pre-planned agenda of the Reagan White House in his book, The Real War, wherin he claimed confidence in "the background of those new policies that will now begin to emerge as the new administration takes office." Nixon's book painted a portrait of a paranoid nation waging an obsessive battle to win World War III, and he had made himself the hero of this delusional mythology. In essence, Richard Nixon patted himself on the back when he wrote; "I am confident that President Reagan and the members of his administration will have the vision to see what needs to be done and the courage to do it."

The home front of Nixon's so-called Real War was the realm of ideals and ideas, and according to the perversity he had actively promoted "we will have to compromise some of our cherished ideals" as long as the battle is waged "in the name of that supreme priority." Having extolled the virtue of waging a covert, unethical war to support friends and destroy enemies, Nixon essentially justified his absolute commitment to do whatever was necessary, including the need to neutralize the influence of a "peacnik" like John Lennon, because, in the words of Nixon's absolute delusion, "in World War III there is no substitute for victory." Committed to contain communism through the methods and means that totalitarian states deploy, Richard Nixon was the sort who was even able to assert that "senseless terrorism is often not as senseless as it may seem. To the Soviets and their allies, [and to Nixon who emulated their tactics] it is a calculated instrument of national policy."

"If America loses World War III, it will be because of the failure of its leadership class. In particular, it will be because of the attention, the celebrity, and the legitimacy given to the 'trendies' -those overglamorized dilettantes who posture in the latest idea, fount the fashionable protests and are slobbered over by the news media, whose creation they essentially are. The attention given to them and their causes romanticizes the trivial and trivializes the serious. It reduces public discussion to the level of a cartoon strip. Whatever the latest cause they embrace -whether antiwar, antinuclear, antimilitary, antibusiness -it is almost invariably one that works against the interest of the United States in the context of World War III."

Imagine that peculiar rhetoric, in the context of the assassination of John Lennon. In particular, when John lennon was dead, Richard Nixon wrote a book called, "The Real Peace".

The obsessive paranoia that surrounded Nixon's desire to deny a "trendy" like John Lennon the freedom to communicate, was clearly exposed through Nixon's own words, and they are far more revealing than Trump's tweets.

We clearly understand the cult of Donald Trump, but historians have not done a very good job documenting the cult of Richard Nixon. For example, Vietnam protestors were Richard Nixon's "ANTIFA" and the following should make that quite apparent;

This passage from Nixon's diary betrays the scope of his ignorance, hatred and intolerance:

When I saw some of the antiwar people and the rest, I'd simply hold up the "V" or the one thumb up; this really knocks them for a loop because they think this is their sign. Some of them break into a smile. Others, of course, just become more hateful. I think as the war recedes as an issue, some of these people are going to be lost souls. They're basically are haters , they are frustrated, they are alienated-they don't know what to do with their lives.

I think perhaps the saddest group will be those who are the professors, and particularly the young professors and the associate professors on the college campuses and even in the high schools. They wanted to blame somebody else for their own failures to inspire the students.

I can think of those Ivy League presidents who came to see me after Kent State, and who were saying, please don't leave the problem to us -I mean let the government do something. None of them would take any of the responsibility themselves.

Nixon's reference to Kent State and the so-called weak, pitiful professors who scrambled around Nixon for protection, betrays the psychosis of a deep and hopeless delusion. Kent State, students who were protesting the war in Cambodia were confronted by National Guardsmen [or Nixon thugs in disguise] who calmly levelled guns, aimed and fired into a crowd of students. When it was all over, four students were dead, eleven were wounded, and Richard Nixon was elated because he thought Kent State betrayed "the weakness of the professors."

The hateful Richard Nixon was motivated by the obsession to make the cost of dissent very clear, but that is not what freedom is. Jeffrey Glen Miller, one of the victims, had reached the decision that he would never go to Vietnam to kill, and he had wanted to make his intent clear. He was shot in the head. Bill Schroeder was a nineteen year old sophomore who had been disgusted by the thought of the senseless killing. He was shot and killed. Sandra Lee Scheuer was filled with hope, humour and the will to live. She was shot and killed. Allison Krause was an honour student who had despised the fact that Nixon had called anti-war demonstrators "bums." She was shot and killed. Richard Nixon was determined to prove that the Vietnam war was a moral and strategic imperative and anyone who did not agree was weak and deluded. He responded by killing protesters or at least delighting in their deaths and by defiantly escalating unecessary bombing. Indeed, he responded to the Kent State massacre by blaming the protestors, and he made that very clear when he wrote, "When dissent turns to violence, it invites tragedy." But there had never been any invitation. Just unjustifiable violence.

There were about five hundred students and about one hundred National Guardsmen at Kent State. There was no legitimate reason to indiscriminately fire into a crowd of students without provocation. But as far as Richard Nixon was concerned, dissent was provocation and he claimed justification because: "Public opinion seemed to rally during the weeks after Kent State, when the military success of the Cambodian operation became increasingly apparent." The astounding, relentless capacity to justify unjustifiable brutality should always overwhelm. Nixon hid behind his remarkable gallup poll, 65% approval rating and the pleasing survey which indicated that 58% blamed "demonstrating students" for Kent State while only 11% blamed the National Guard. In retrospect, 100% should should have blamed Richard Nixon.

I am not going to say anything about the impeachment of President Bill Clinton beyond the fact that it was absolutely unjustified, it was merely payback for the Nixon impeachment and if you follow the money, you will get it; The very same money that was responsible for backing Richard Nixon in the 1970's was responsible for attacking Bill Clinton, and a memo dated May 12, 1971, from Charles Colson to H. R. Haldeman, identified the long-standing, finanial, Scaife/Nixon relationship. According to the memo: "...Dick Scaife is feeling very down on the administration at the moment. In as much as Scaife has been one of our biggest financial backers, I think we need to consider perhaps some unusual steps to rebuild relationships."

Dick Scaife also financed the plot to get Clinton impeached and Nixon got his revenge without being exposed, which is a serious indictment regarding the competence of the fourth estate.

Unlike the impeachment of Richard Nixon, whose crimes were misleadingly called "a third rate burglary", the impeachment against Donald Trump established a clearer, historical record of what had happened on January 6, 2021, a day that was carefully pre-planned by the Trump Regime in effort to prevent the Inauguration of Joe Biden, and in that respect, it was clearly the most productive impeachment in American History.

And now, we are living the lessons of Trump's final impeachment, and they are profound. Bill Clinton was impeached but acquited by both the Senate and the American people who opposed conviction. Donald Trump was acquited by the Senate but convicted by the people, that is ultimately the only jury that has ever counted and we must all fight like hell to make sure he gets the justice he deserves.

Richard Nixon maintained the secrecy he required to get away with murder. The impeachment of Donald Trump proved that he is America's most dangerous Domestic Terrorist, and sooner or later, that undeniable fact will have to be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

NEXT:We must expose Domestic Terrorists.



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