In 1991, victorious American troops celebrated amid the ruins of Kuwait City. Was it worth it? What were they celebrating? What did they win? Look at the pictures of those who paid the ultimate price. Was it worth their lives?

The funny thing about war and peace is that it is not won or lost by the Generals. It is won or lost by the diplomats who pave the road to peace, but George Bush senior was delusional about what it takes to win a war. In his own words, he was trying to prove that the Vietnam war was lost because America fought it with "one hand tied behind its back." The problem is, that was not true. The US dropped more bombs in Southeast Asia than it took to defeat Hitler. Wars destroy and maime young people, that is all they do. Bush Sr., consequently declared war in effort to prove a lie, and we are evidently becoming better at acknowledging the futility of trying to bury the facts.

The US claimed total victory against Sadaam Hussein in 1991 but the war continues.

The myth that Norman Schwarzkopt won the gulf war and buried the legacy of Vietnam, should serve as today's wake-up call. The truth is, the legacies of Vietnam and Iraq are practically identical and if we fail to embrace that understanding, history will continue to predictably repeat.

We do not need more wars. We need more diplomats and politicians who understand the futility of war and less leaders and Generals who destabilize the world and claim victory without political resolution, because THEY deserved better.

Next: War is a last resort, not a pre-emptive strike.