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I read the news today oh boy


The direction of the proposal to reform criminal sentences is on the right track but it does not go far enough.

If we wish to create a more secure society, we must "exploit" the proceeds of crime. We have the power and the know-how to turn crime into a "thriving business" whose profits are used to enhanse justice, but we are failing to use it.

It takes resources to fight crime effectively and we will always be struggling to keep up if we continue to attempt to fight crime withoput adequate resources.

Here's how it can work. When we catch a criminal, we do not allow them to burden society by housing them in a federal prison. We expropriate their assets and use them to finance and grow the justice system so that we can proactively prevent crimes. If we devote the resources to the effort, gone will be the days when serial killers, serial rapists and the like, are caught AFTER it is too late for their long string of victims. Shorten the victim list, that's what genuine, crime fighting is about, and we currently do not have the resources that are necessary, to do an effective job, in that regard.

Here's how it can work: Forget about paying for Martha Stewart's accomodations. Fine somebody like her, one billion dollars and think about how many violent crimes can be solved and/or prevented, if the resources are applied to the task.

The ultimate goal is to use the assetts of petty or non-violent criminals to create an effective, crime-fighting capability, because violent criminals are currently winning the battle, and that is the kind of reform that is reasonable and necessary.


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February 10, 2011 February 11, 2011 February 12, 2011 February 13, 2011 February 14, 2011 February 15, 2011