The Garrison Report






A thorough analysis of Kennedy Assassination cover up





     Between 1963 and 1966, Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover successfully contained public criticism about the Kennedy assassination investigation through the Warren Report. In 1966, after the publication of two major critical attacks by responsible critics, a gallup poll indicated that 66 percent of the American people no longer believed the Warren Report and the Congress began to call for a new investigation. The fraudulent campaign to blame the Kennedy assassination on what Hoover had called the "twisted mind" of Lee Oswald, proved too transparent to stand up to public scrutiny, and the need to divert attention away from the truth reemerged.

     The collapse of the credibility of the Warren Report created a desperate vacuum which was predictably filled by other absurd distortions. The Warren Commission had successfully focused attention almost exclusively upon Lee Harvey Oswald, and when it was determined that the assertions it expounded were extremely frivolous, the pressure to develop another cover up to conceal the truth produced bizarre conspiracy theories that were well publicized as a replacement the discredited Warren Report.

     Not surprisingly, one of the sources of Kennedy assassination publicity was Las Vegas gangster, Johnny Roselli. In late January 1967, Roselli's lawyer claimed that he had important information about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Since two out of three Americans disbelieved the Warren Report, Roselli promptly provided a whole new version of "truth" to further confuse the non-believers.

     Roselli's basic claim was that Fidel Castro was responsible for the assassination of Kennedy. Despite the seriousness of the allegation, the identity of Roselli was not revealed to the public as the accusation was initially exposed through a "blind memorandum" prepared by Hoover's FBI and promoted through the press. -in other words, it was a public relations ploy sponsored by Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover, the same people who had initially used the Warren Report to cover up the truth about the assassination of President Kennedy.

     Johnson publicly embraced the rumour that a Cuban conspiracy was responsible for the assassination of Kennedy, and when he was interviewed by television newsman, Howard K. Smith, he dramatically asserted: "I'll tell you something that will rock you. Kennedy was trying to get Castro, but Castro got him first."

     Lyndon Johnson was clearly aware of the fact that Castro had absolutely nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination. Johnny Roselli, the Lee Harvey Oswald-style source of the 'Castro got Kennedy' allegation, was a well known Mafia operative (like Jack Ruby) who had established Washington contacts through his participation in what was publicly exposed to be the CIA/Mafia plots to assassinate Castro.

     When Robert F. Kennedy declared war on these Mafia "patriots", Johnny Roselli had typically responded with the predictable rant, "Here I am helping the government helping the country, and that little sonofabitch [Robert Kennedy] is breaking my balls. Let the little bastard do what he wants. There isn't anything he can do to me... I got important friends in important places in Washington that'll cut his water off."

     One of Roselli's "important" friends was Jim Garrison, the District Attorney of New Orleans. In 1967, according to the CIA, Roselli and Garrison had a meeting in a Las Vegas hotel room. Garrison claimed that the allegation about his friendship with Roselli was simply a part of a CIA disinformation campaign to cover up the truth about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. A brilliant propagandist, Garrison was even able to convince oliver Stone that he was "on the trail of the assassins" when he was in fact deep within the obsession to cover up the truth about Kennedy's murder.

     In retrospect, it is clear and obvious that Jim Garrison and Johnny Roselli concocted stories to fill the vacuum created by the discredited Warren Report. Indeed, Lyndon Johnson was so paranoid about allowing the truth about Kennedy's assassination to surface (and this is the truth) that he had instructed J.Edgar Hoover to investigate Kennedy assassination critics who had successfully discredited the Warren Report. He obviously did not have to instruct Hoover to investigate Roselli's allegations because he knew that they were false.

     And so, J. Edgar Hoover promptly supplied background memoranda on Edward Epstein, Sylvan Fox, Joachim Joesten, Penn Jones, Mark Lane, Richard Popkin, Leo Sauvage, and Harold Weisberg, the independent investigators who had threatened to get to the bottom of the mystery. In retrospect, it is no surprise that Hoover and Johnson targeted and replaced legitimate Kennedy assassination critics with bogus allegations about the murder of Kennedy.

     Ironically, in 1963, immediately after the Kennedy assassination, a desperate Lyndon Johnson convinced each member of the Warren Commission that their primary duty was to dispel what he called "dangerous rumors". In 1967 however, when the Warren Commission was discredited, Johnson embraced these "damgerous rumors" because the fraudulent claim "Castro got Kennedy" served the obsession to cover up thr truth.

     Hoover appointed the General Investigation Division of the FBI to control the disinformation campaign which involved interviewing Roselli's lawyer about the allegation that 'Castro got Kennedy'. The GID was the vehicle which simply provided the opportunity to record rather than to investigate the authenticity of the claim that Castro was responsible for the Kennedy assassination. If Hoover was prompted by legitimate intent, he would have obviously appointed the Domestic Intelligence Division of the FBI, the unit which was in fact responsible for investigating possible foreign involvement in the Kennedy assassination.

     Hoover merely appointed the FBI to record a fraudulent rumor and that betrayed his consistent intent. A former FBI agent and senior official in the Department of Justice reflects the nature of the Castro allegation charade when he says: "There are two kinds of FBI interviews. The first kind is where you simply sit down with a source and come away with nothing. The second kind is where you really dig into him, check everything about him and his friends"

     FBI Headquarters, J. Edgar Hoover's personal fiefdom, managed disinformation campaigns about the Kennedy assassination. The agents that Hoover appointed to serve as the mouthpieces of Roselli's allegation were interviewed for the Hearings before the Select Committee on Assassinations, and they said that "they were briefed at FBI Headquarters prior to the interview but neither could recall the details of that briefing or who was present." The memory lapse is entirely understandable.

     By far, the most sophisticated and the most influential disinformation campaign about the Kennedy assassination was unleashed by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. A former FBI agent who had embraced the fraudulent, Hoover claim that organized crime did not exist, Garrison was evidently a loyal ally. Indeed, as he vigorously denied the provable existence of organized crime, the empire of New Orleans Mafia boss Carlos Marcello flourished. The most common characteristic of Garrison's rhetoric was the identifiable gap between what he said and the truth he deliberately sought to suppress, and his enlistment in the plot to publicize disinformation is not surprising.

     In retrospect, the simplicity of the fraud that Hoover and Garrison controlled is astonishing. J. Edgar Hoover investigated Warren Commission critics and Garrison infiltrated their ranks by pretending to be one of them. In 1967, Jim Garrison dramatically told the entire world that he had solved the Kennedy assassination case and that he knew exactly who was responsible for murdering the President, and the entire world listened. Lo and behold, the Kennedy assassination messiah had emerged and the starving press and critics flocked to his side craving the insight of the only public official who alleged to be in the possession of the truth about the Kennedy assassination.

     Garrison demanded attention and he easily got it through bold and dramatic public assertions like:

     "My staff and I solved the assassination weeks ago. I wouldn't say that if we didn't have evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt. We know the key individuals, the cities involved, and how it was done."

     Jim Garrison ultimately exposed his admiration for anybody who covered up the truth about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy when he said;

     "I have nothing but respect for the Bureau and feel that if it weren't for the FBI reports still available in the Commission exhibits, the door would have been closed forever... The FBI has worked assiduously in many different areas and gathered facts that have proved of great value to those interested in uncovering the truth about the assassination."

     At the same time, since Kennedy assassination critics had successfully discredited the Warren Commission, Garrison infiltrated their ranks through nonsense rhetoric like:

     "It's impossible for anyone possessed of reasonable objectivity and a fair degree of intelligence to read those 26 [Warren Commission] volumes and not reach the conclusion that the Warren Commission was wrong in every one of its major conclusions pertaining to the assassination."

     Clearly, when Garrison simultaneously claimed that the Warren Commission investigation was "typically thorough" and that every single conclusion that the Warren Report promoted was wrong, he betrayed the purpose behind all the nonsense he deliberately promoted. In his own words, he said "in an Orwellian sense, perhaps they [assassination conspirators] come to believe that truth is what contributes to national security and falsehood is anything detrimental to national security".

     Oliver Stone made a hero out of Garrison because the rhetoric of some of the faces he assumed, was indeed heroic, but the confusion he generated baffled brilliant historians like Arthur Schlesinger Jr., who said:

     "... the premise that Kennedy was preparing to withdraw from Vietnam was quite correct. And the film raised serious and searching questions about the Warren Commission. But the theory that they created out of all this, that because Kennedy was going to get out of Vietnam, the whole government got together and conspired to murder him, is absolutely outrageous and terrible. I'm agnostic about whether there was a conspiracy or not, but one thing I'm absolutely sure of: If there was a conspiracy, it wasn't Oliver Stone's conspiracy."

     The Kennedy assassination is one link in a chain of predictable murders.




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