The Delusional Toronto Star

Does anybody understand the hypocrisy of Monday morning quarterbacking on a Sunday? The suggestion that a single answer in a debate that nobody cared about cost Michael Ignatieff the election is so silly and inane, it almost made me barf.

If you want to blame Michael Ignatieff's alleged failure to communicate, you cannot possibly do it without acknowledging the death of Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff’s director of communications, Mario Laguë, who was conveniently killed in a motorcycle crash while on his way to work.

That is the moment the Liberals lost it and if you don't know what you are talking about, silence is golden.

By the way, who killed Mario? Why has the media failed to publish his name? The media even leaked news about Layton's happy ending massage, why is the name of the person who killed Mario such a closely guarded secret?

Does the Star not understand the extreme ignorance, arrogance and hypocricy of attributing the result of a historic election to the arrogance of former Liberal Leader, Michael Ignatieff?

By the way, Mario would have been prepared to provide Ignatieff with responses to Jack Layton's traps BEFORE, not after the debate, as the arrogant, Jim Karygiannis does, for the purposes of supporting the Toronto Star's delusional theories.


PERSONAL VIEWS: I was disgusted by Layton's so called, game-changing question because I thought it was nothing more than an ignorant gimmick and it made me want to vote for Michael Ignatieff even more. I have no doubt that the arrogant Layton did not change a single mind by his pompous attitude. I did not even bother voting, because as far as I am concerned, our government is controlled by ignorant bureacrats with the IQ of somebody like Jack Layton, I did not think that the media (particularly talk radio) had given Michael Ignatieff the fair shake he required to be competetive and I was therefore convinced that I was not in a position to make a difference. Moreover, I believed that even somebody with the gravitas of a Michael Ignatieff was not in a position to be anything more than a pawn of entrenched special inetersts and I was therefore not a motivated voter.

As far as I am concerned, the views of people like Jim Karygiannis are irrelevant because they are not humble enough to have the authority to call Michael Ignatieff arrogant.

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