November 22,1998
The Legacy is Eternal

John F. Kennedy Jr. said...

I think both of us have a strong sense of my father's legacy and how important it is, and we both respect it enormously.

On the 35th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's death, expect the propagandists to come out swinging, to revive the absurd conspiracy fantasy that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. This fraudulent claim, concocted by J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon produced the Faustian, Hoover-brokered decision that ultimately dictated the following outcome; Lyndon Johnson would prosecute the Vietnam War and if that didn't work out as desired, Richard Nixon would get the second swing at the bat.

Not surprisingly, Lyndon Johnson insisted that the truth about Lee Harvey Oswald could never be determined -it was allegedly buried with Lee Harvey Oswald, and he was somewhat correct.

Lee Harvey Oswald was an aspiring "James Bond" at the height of the Cold War, and the truth regarding the adventures of young, intelligent Marines of his sort is always TOP SECRET.

Nonetheless, despite the fact that exposing the truth has always been resisted as follows, history has basically recorded everything there is to know about the Kennedy assasssination.

We salute all researchers and historians, albeit few and far between, who have directly implicated authorities like Lyndon Johnson to involvement in the Kennedy assassination, because, in the absence of their discoveries, the truth would have been out of reach.

Clearly, the evidence that directly implicates Lyndon Johnson is too consistent, too compelling and too exhaustive to deny. On the very day that John F. Kennedy was murdered, while the world was in shock, Lyndon Johnson unleashed a non-stop, pre-planned frenzy of deliberate, purposeful activity which betrayed absolute and elaborate pre-meditation that aimed to conceal the truth. The lies, meticulously crafted and aggressively promoted, were best exposed by historian, Mat Wilson in his book "Preserving Their Legacy" and the truth, while elusive, is rather clear and obvious.

In particular, even a cursory awareness now leads to the inevitable and undeniable (albeit disputed erroneously) historic conclusion; Kennedy had planned to fight hard for re-election in 1964 because he feared both the consequences of the failure to withdraw from the war in Southeast Asiam and the failure to be the firewall between the dangerously aggressive schemes of his political rival, Richard Nixon.

Tragically, Kennedy's fears were realized and sunk America into despair while those who had killed him deliberately misrepresented his will and his intentions to conceal the truth about the perceived need to kill him -he was allegedly too soft on communism for having planned to abandon the Vietnam war by 1965, had he lived to exercise that authority.

The myth that John F. Kennedy did not plan to withdraw from the war in Vietnam and that the Johnson administration simply carried forth the intentions of the slain President is a silly lie.

Indeed, despite the fact that Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson had diametrically opposed views about the Vietnam war, Johnson brilliantly created the impression that the stark contrast did not even exist. Even Kennedy's funeral did not distract Johnson -by then, he had already produced the foundation of the Warren report cover-up and had instantly, meticulously and thoroughly created the impression that his obsessive intention to reverse the foreign policy course of action Kennedy had planned to chart, did not even exist.

The suggestion that Lyndon Johnson was not prepared well in advance for an event that only co-conspirators could predict, is simply nonsense. Lyndon Johnson may have been a brilliant strategist, he was not a spontaneous thinker who had the ability to unleash the level of pre-meditated activity the Kennedy assassination cover-up demanded and was delivered at every turn, by Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover. It is consequently futile to deny involvement that is as clear and as transparent as it always is, when a guilty party engages a degree of incriminating, pre-meditated conduct that provides the opportunity to get away with murder.

Like Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon even more clearly exposed his hand in the plot to cover up the truth about the Kennedy assassination when he claimed that he called Hoover on November 22nd to ask him if one of those "right-wing nuts" had killed Kennedy. According to Nixon, Hoover replied, "No, it was a Communist" and if that is not a phony description of a phony dialogue, it is difficult to top because the complicity of J. Edgar Hoover in the Kennedy assassination cover-up is equally indisputable -judge what they do, not what they say.

Astoundingly, Nixon further promoted the preposterous claim that according to Oswald's wife, Oswald had been planning to kill Nixon when he went to Dallas. How amusing and delightful if it was Richard Nixon who had been murdered on November 22nd, 1963 -imagine that.

Nixon and Hoover were both in Dallas on the 21st of November, 1963 and in the process of seeking to concoct a violent image to demonize Oswald, they invariably concocted all kinds of war stories, even the ones that surrounded the prosecution of the Vietnam war.

When Richard Nixon did not challenge Lyndon Johnson for the Presidency in 1964, he ultimately betrayed the secret collusion between political ideologues who were united over the determination to prosecute the Vietnam war and the obsession to cover up the truth about the Kennedy assassination. Ironically, on November 22, 1963, the very day JFK was murdered, Richard Nixon made it very clear that the Kennedys were the only ones who stood in the way of his plans when he said, "I am going to work as hard as I can to get the Kennedys out of there. We can't afford four more years of that kind of administration."

In the meantime, Richard Nixon called Dean Rusk the ablest Secreatary of State that America has ever had. Isn't that as obvious as it gets? Despite the fact that Richard Nixon was the most popular Republican Presidential candidate, he did not oppose Lyndon Johnson in 1964. Why not?

Monday morning quarterbacks called Nixon's decision to not oppose Johnson a brilliant calculation that was deliberately made because Lyndon Johnson was allegedly unchallangeable in 1964. Wrong. The decision "to work as hard as I can to get the Kennedys out of there" was a confession. Who knew that Johnson, Nixon, Hoover and the like had engaged a bi-partisan plot to prosecute the Vietnam War? That is the reason there was no room to engage a partisan election in 1964 and why Nixon did not run against Johnson, in 1964, it was not a "brilliant calculation".

Like Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon believed that John F. Kennedy was a foreign policy amateur whose repeated refusal to deploy combat troops to the conflict in Southeast Asia threatened the entire planet. Nixon was so obsessed with the deployment of American power, he had even recommended a full-scale military invasion of Cuba. In his own words: "I would find a proper legal cover and I would go in. There are several justifications that could be used, like protecting American citizens living in Cuba and defending our base in Guatanamo. I believe that the most important thing to do at this point is to get Castro and communism out of Cuba."

In other words, if Richard Nixon had won the election in 1963, instead of the Cuban Missle Crisis, we would have had nuclear war with the Soviet Union, and that alone should make everything else very clear.

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